Wednesday 17 July 2019

Hydroxyapatite Powder Suppliers: Introduction

Hydroxyapatite Powder Suppliers
Hydroxyapatite Powder Suppliers | Image Resource :

Hydroxyapatite is the mineral form of calcium apatite that occurs naturally. The naturally occurring mineral is also known to have traces of elements like magnesium, carbonate acid, phosphate and certain other kinds of rare earth elements. Hydroxyapatite resembles the chemical composition that is exhibited by the bones of mammals. Hydroxyapatite is one the very few bioactive minerals known to human kind. The bioactive materials are known to help on bone ingrowth.

Usage of Hydroxyapatite:

Hydroxyapatite is a unique mineral. It resembles the chemical structure of bones and therefore have found their usage in the medical industry. Medical industry is known to be the chief employer of Hydroxyapatite powder. Here are some of the commercial uses of hydroxyapatite:

Bioceramic Coatings: Bones are often needed to be replaced by metals such as titanium or stainless steel. Our body however do not accept these metals. They are treated as foreign objects and are isolated and rejected by the body. Hydroxyapatite, due to having chemical composition resembling the bones, are not rejected by the body. Therefore, the metallic implants are often sprayed with hydroxyapatite. The presence of this mineral prompts the body to accept the implant. The only commercially accepted way of applying this mineral on to implants is by plasma spraying.

Bone fillers: Hydroxyapatite may be used in the form of beads, powder or porous blocks in order to fill bone defects or voids. When a section of a bone is required to be removed, they are filled using any of the formerly mentioned forms of hydroxyapatite. The bone fillers provide a scaffold and is responsible for rapid filling of the void by forming bones. Bone fillers act as an effective alternative to bone grafting. These minerals are known to become a part of the bone structure and significantly reduce the healing time the bones need.

Choosing the correct supplier of Hydroxyapatite:

Hydroxyapatite is known to be one of the most sought after mineral due to its medical applications. The medical industry has maneuvered a way around to help them with the implants and hydroxyapatite plays a central role in it. Here is the guide on how to choose the correct Hydroxyapatite Powder Suppliers:

Quality: The quality of the mineral offered should be examined carefully especially due to its medical implications. The Hydroxyapatite powder supplier should be able to provide high quality minerals.

Price: The price at which the supplier of hydroxyapatite is offering it, should be considered as well. It only rational to choose the supplier offering best price.

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