Wednesday 23 October 2019

The Top Three Concrete Additives You Must Use

Concrete Additives
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When cement is mixed with water, the solution itself isn’t durable enough to stand the test of time and harsh weather conditions. Hence, concrete additives are added to the water-cement mixture. The additives aggregate in small quantities and increase the durability of concrete, fix concrete behavior, and condition its setting.

Concrete additives that must be used

The additives are available in liquid or powder form and are added to concrete batch just before or during the mixing process. Concrete admixtures enhance the quality and manageability of concrete. They also accelerate the setting time of concrete. 

Almost all concrete mixes contain some admixtures because they help with the pouring process, optimize productivity, and reduce cost. The additives vary in price depending on the quantity, quality, and type of admixture. 

1. Set Retarding 

The set retarding additives are used to delay chemical reactions that take place during the setting process. Set retarding additives reduce the effect of high temperatures, which cause a faster initial setting of concrete. Such admixtures are used during pavement construction since the additives allow more time for finishing concrete pavements. 

So, additional costs are significantly reduced as there is no need to set up a concrete batch plant on the job site. The concrete additives also eliminate cold joints within the concrete and can be used to resist cracking. The cracking may occur due to form deflection, which arises when horizontal slabs are placed in sections. Retarders also serve as water reducers and may trap some air within concrete. 

2. Air-entrainment 

Air entrained additive is used to optimize the freeze-thaw durability of concrete. The admixture produces a more workable concrete than non-entrained concrete. It also reduces the segregation and bleeding of fresh concrete. The additive offers a high degree of durability and workability and high resistance to the wetting and drying cycles. Air entrained additives increase resistance to frost action/thaw cycles. 

The trapped air bubbles serve as a barrier against cracking, which is caused by water volume augmentation at freezing temperatures. Air entrainers can be mixed with almost any type of concrete additives. 

3. Shrinkage reducing 

The shrinkage reducing additives are added to concrete during the initial mixing process. The additive reduces early and long-term drying shrinkage. It can be used in situations where shrinkage cracking may cause durability issues or where shrinkage joints are undesirable for technical or economic reasons.

Significance of concrete admixtures

The use of admixtures is increasing by the day. They reduce the quantity of concrete required for the completion of a particular project. Concrete additives impart early strength to concrete and reduce the initial heat of hydration. Hence, the additives help in overcoming thermal cracking issues within concrete. 

One of the more eco-friendly properties of additives lies in sustainability. Since waste products are used as a component of concrete admixtures, they maximize sustainability. An admixture accelerates or decelerates the setting time depending on which admixture you choose. There are also certain types of additives which have anti-bacterial properties. 

Concrete additives are highly beneficial to concrete if appropriately used. Otherwise, there is no fix for bad quality concrete mix ingredients.

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