Monday 8 February 2021

Role of EdTech in Transforming Learning in Classrooms


The traditional classrooms are changed, with technology taking over the textbooks, blackboards and chalk pieces. Instead, teachers and students are using smart devices like tablets, smart boards and phones to access information. No wonder, educational technology (EdTech) has influenced the educational sector by replacing old desktop computers with sophisticated edtech tools like robots, online whiteboards, interactive online courses, etc.

Educational technology is all about software and hardware tools combined to help improve learning and teaching in classrooms. Edtech solutions assist in devising a curriculum tailor-made to suit the learners, who can learn at the pace they are comfortable with. Educators and learners find edtech quite engaging with interactive whiteboards, online content delivery, tablets, projection screens, and MOOCs.

Many Benefits of Using EdTech for Teaching 

With EdTech solutions, teachers develop effective learning practices to increase student engagement and save time. Some ways how edtech helps teacher offer fun, as well as interesting lessons, are given below:

1. Foster Collaboration

Collaboration is one aspect that is going to be a part of students’ learning process. They learn discussing similar topics among themselves. EdTech tools support collaboration and helps enhance it using cloud-enabled tools, which help them find solutions to problems together and pose questions to the teacher and clear doubts. The online app helps the teacher assign tasks for students to complete and upload them. 

2. Offers Interactive Lessons

The classrooms are no more boring today with technology helping you offer interactive lessons. With custom-made lessons, a teacher can meet the requirement of every student in the class. The teaching apps are devised to promote learning through quizzes, puzzles, games and more. Students under the guidance of teachers can learn and understand certain subjects through playing games or watching videos like documentaries, plays, etc. Other than these, live projects, assignments, homework and tests help students become highly engaged and interactive. 

3. 24-Hour Accessibility to Learning

The edtech tools offering Wi-Fi accessibility help the learners access any learning materials anywhere and anytime. There is no need for them to be physically present; instead, they can learn while traveling, at school or at home. This allows a continuous learning process by asking questions, through chat, solving problems, submitting assignments and doing projects. 

4. Encourage Personalized Learning Experience

The learners get to learn through various materials in pdfs, videos and PowerPoints and help themselves understand the topic better. 

The use of edtech tools have helped teachers and learners improve their relationships and teaching or learning experience. 

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