Thursday 2 December 2021

Why GPS Vehicle tracking System is So Important in Automobile Industry?

GPS tracking is the latest technology and the automobile industry has used its application for security purposes. It has several usages such as fleet management, theft prevention, locating the buses or products, asset tracking, fuel monitoring, and time management. 

Tracking technology is the latest technology to locate vehicles or devices with the help of GPS devices. A GPS vehicle tracking system is executed by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). It consists of a network of satellites and is communicated through GPS devices about the location, direction, time, and speed of the vehicle.  These data can be viewed in a system. 

Mainly two types of tracking systems have been available. Passive and active devices are used to collect data. The passive device store all the information about the vehicle but it can be viewed only when the vehicle reached back to the predetermined location. But inactive devices, collect data and transmit through satellite and can be viewed on a computer. 

GPS Vehicle Tracking System | Image Resource:

Major Parts of GPS Vehicle Tracking System

There are three main components in a tracking system

  • GPS Tracking Unit- this device is set up in the vehicle to capture information at regular intervals of time. Apart from the location and speed of the vehicle, the tracking system reminds on fuel level, engine temperature, and battery status. 
  • GPS Tracking Server- it has three key functions. Receiving data from the tracking unit, securely storing it, and serving this information on demand.
  • User Interface- it determines how one can access the data.

Uses of Vehicle Tracking System

There are several uses of GPS vehicle tracking systems.

  • It is used for fleet management functions such as locating, routing, dispatching on board, and security information. This tracking system has a key advantage in online shopping to track their product. 
  • Transit Agencies – transit agencies are using this technology for locating the buses. Some transit agencies provide a virtual map in their website to show the current location of the bus. Also it is used to monitor the driving behavior in school buses. 
  • Theft Prevention- it is used as theft prevention and retrieval of vehicles. Police can locate the vehicle with the signals emitted from the device and locate the stolen vehicle. Some tracking system helps to control the vehicle remotely by blocking the engine or door. 

Apart from these uses, GPS tracking systems has used in animal monitoring and in aircraft for tracking. 

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